Thoughts on living your Dharma & the Story of Shakti Social Media Management

ayurveda dharma mentoring shakti social social media soul business yoga Oct 01, 2022


The story of Shakti Social Media Management.


They say that living your dharma is your unique life path. That the most important service we can all offer to the world is to authentically uncover and then passionately follow your dharma in this lifetime. Sometimes our dharma unfolds in unexpected ways and other times it's something that's a lot more obvious to you and to others. Now I must say that I actually never though that I would be launching a Social Media Management (mini) agency, Shakti Social Media Management.


Yes that's right!


I cannot ignore the breadcrumbs that the universe has been laying out for me over the past couple of years. So here I am sharing this with you, in a hope to inspire you to follow your dreams, listen to the whispers that may be calling you.


To be of service to our community is the greatest of ones purpose. ⁠



👉🏼Are you a soul driven entrepreneur? Maybe you'd like to take a look at to see if I could support you in your business(es) via Shakti Social? ⁠

✨My unique intuitive approach will infuse purpose into your social media marketing. Resulting in a defined message that will reach your ideal online community.⁠

👉🏼Let me help you have more impact, create flow and ease in your days by streamlining your social media. Whether it’s ongoing social media managemnt, infusing fresh new energy into your instagram or support for that next big launch – I’m open to chat to see if we’re the right fit and to tailor a package for you. I currently have founding client half price deals (which are actually nearly sold out!)⁠

✨I only have a very limited number of these as yes I'm still running my doTERRA business, my Intuitive Healing Sessions, Retreats and soon to come Ayurveda Business & Lifestyle Mentoring - I want to support you to live and work beautifully well. ⁠


Tell me, are you living your Dharma?


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