My July Loves - from photoshoots to reversing ageing!

ayurveda dinacharya doterra i’m loving metapwr shakticreative yoga Jul 02, 2023


Happy July lovers! 


As I write this it's Sunday morning and the house is peaceful, I'm enjoying it ahead of 2 weeks of the school holiday juggle! (where are my working Mamas?!) The boys will spend some time with my parents and then go away with Andrew for a few days camping off grid… I'm getting out of that one as I honestly can't stand the cold weather and I'll welcome the time to work and study! The we'll hang out at the beach and get some surfing and fishing in.


Creating: June had many highlights for me, the biggest being the launch of my beautiful new website for Shakti Creative, take a look here, I love it and I love the work I'm doing with my clients, if you're a spiritual entrepreneur or self employed I can help you ✨shine✨ online! Join my FREE monthly Chai Chats here where we chat all things online marketing. 


Experiencing: a divine Brand Shoot with the talented Lizz Pennings, she is like a unicorn, she really made me feel so at ease, we had a cacao ceremony before hand and she set up beautiful little pockets around my home, captured my true essence in my own space! Check out the some of the photos here.


Learning:In Marigold Yoga & Ayurveda we've been learning about the goddess of flow and creativity, Saraswati, I'm feeling so connected to her as I create beautiful work and offerings. Below is snippet about this goddess:


“Saraswati is associated with flow in all its aspects: with flow as water - the nourishing water of life, the water from which life first emerged, the water without which there can be no life, the water of the womb, the water of essential creativity. She's associated with the moon, which governs the flow of tides and which in Hindu iconography is said to radiate cooling beams of purity and grace; with intellect and inspiration, which flow from the subtlest level of mind; with eloquent speech, which at its best flows directly from that primal grace source; and with music.” Sally Kempton


I'm looking forward to July in the membership, we have a ‘Happy Hips’ yoga course, we're preparing for Spring and will embark on a Kitchari Cleanse together, you can join us now, doors will be closing next week so if you've been on the fence now is the time to join us here!


Inspiring: I'm constantly inspired by nature, for my recent shoot I bought a bunch of roses, the first flowers I've bought myself in a long time as I have been picking them from my garden, but there's something so wonderfully abundant and inspiring about having a vase of roses sitting on my desk to stare at whilst I work. So when they were spent I bought another bunch, they're so delicious! What's inspiring you lately, do more of that!?


Making: Lately I've been pressing flowers from my garden. I love just looking at them but I will use them in my art journalling, gift wrapping and wherever else a little flower would suit. But it's not just pressing flowers that I love about it, I feel connected to my anscetors, the women of the Victorian era… there's something so special about being in that energy. Check out this post.


Loving: all the new products that doTERRA have just launched! I've just placed my order for the metaPWR (hello reversal of biological ageing!) the new shampoo and Spanish Sage essenial oil. Want to learn more about metaPWR watch this class with Alice Nicholls. Then get your kit here and come on the journey with me!


Want to meet in person? I'll be at this ‘The Story of Business’ event with my dear friend and mentor, Katie Rose. If you're in Sydney come along. It's going to be so nourishing for the soul and for your work in the world.


India dreaming? We have ONE spot left on our India Pilgrimage! We are embarking on a trip of a lifetime through India, form Delhi to Rishikesh, to the Taj Mahal and Jaipur! Take a look at the full itinerary here. And stay tuned as I have a Bali on my radar for a retreat with a difference! 


That's it for now, I'm off to cook Sunday breaky for the fam! Enjoy your day and thank for reading my musings this far!


Love Edwina x


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