DIY: Yoga Mat Cleaner with Essential Oils

ayurveda ayurveda & yoga beauty daily self care rituals dinacharya essential oils self care yoga Jun 25, 2020


How to make your own high vibe yoga mat spray


Elevate your practice with this really simple DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner with essential oils🧘🏼‍♀️


When was the last time you cleaned your mat? I sometimes forget about my poor mat. I use it daily, sometimes there's sweat, sometimes tears and then other times dogs and kids run all over it! Plus I take it with me to classes. So it's fair to say that our mats rack up heaps of traffic!


It's not just the fact that being vigilant in cleaning is healthy, but there's also the therapeutic benefits of infusing your yoga mat with divine pure essential oils. I love to use my doTERRA Essential Oils for everything from cleaning to my beauty routine, supporting ur emotions and enhancing my yoga and mediation practices.


There's really no reason to fork out on expensive products form health-food stores or be stung by all those add-on in your favourite online stores. When you have your simple essential oils kit you have 100's of possibilities at your finger tips, plus save heaps of coin!


It's so easy to I whip up this Yoga Mat Cleaner, it's cleansing, anti-bacterial and fresh af!


What you will need:


  • 1 x 250ml Amber Glass or PET Spray Bottle
  • 3/4 cup filtered water
  • 1/4 cup witch-hazel or colloidal silver
  • 20 drops of doTERRA therapeutic grade essential oils




Combine essential oils and witch-hazel or colloidal silver in your spray bottle. Then top with filtered water. Shake well, then spray onto your mat, if using to clean wipe with a soft cloth, if using to infuse the aroma leave to dry.


The oils I've chosen are Tea Tree, Lavender & Lemon (all Top 10 oils):


💟 Lavender is naturally anti-fungal, antiseptic and antimicrobial. Not to mention the calming and soothing benefits.
🌿 Tea Tree is antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic. It's aroma is fresh and clean.
🍋 Lemon is very cleansing and astringent which gives it's cleaning power, plus it's also antiseptic and anti-fungal.



Witch-hazel and colloidal silver act as a safe preservative as well as ensure the essential oils are dispersed evenly as they don't blend well with water.


I love the using essential oils to make my own household products, this cost me a few dollars plus I can save on waste and don't need to tackle the shops!


I'd love to know if you give this a go, please comment below.


Maybe you need essential oils in your life? I'm here to help when you're ready to dive in. Simply complete the form here and I will be in touch to get you out some samples. I believe that having a beautiful essential oils experience before you invest is the best way to ensure we get you the best oils to support your life.


Love Edwina xx



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