Ayurvedic Face Mask: Pitta Cooling with Milk and Spice

ayurveda ayurveda & yoga beauty daily self care rituals diy essential oils self care Jul 29, 2023


I love this ayurvedic face mask! It's Pitta Cooling and I use simply milk and nutmeg 🛕✨


Pitta out of balance can show up as inflammation and in this case a break out of pimples. Pitta is fire energy, passionate and driven. She's impatient, can be jealous and competitive, yet brings the best out in others, is spontaneous and outgoing. If you want something done or need a cheerleader in your corner a pitta goddess if your gal!


I'm a Pitta/Vata type, which leans to inflammation. This week when I experienced a bit of a break out and redness I knew I needed some cooling down. So I made this lush mask, with literally things I had in the cupboard and fridge. Skincare was never meant to be expensive nor full of chemicals. I love how ayurveda uses ingredients that are easy to access and come from nature. What we put on our skin plays a big role in the build up of ama (toxins) in our body. This is the cause of dis-ease, so I recommend that you reduce them wherever possible.




2 or 3 whole nutmeg pods, ground in a spice or coffee grinder or
1 tablespoon ground nutmeg
1 tablespoon whole cows milk, raw if you can find it plus more as needed. (if vegan choose coconut milk, it's got the highest fat content and is cooling for pitta)
1 teaspoon raw honey (optional; use only if you have exceptionally oily skin)


The ayurvedic face mask was so cooling! It really calmed down the redness and break-out, my skin felt so soft and looked bright. Do you suffer regularly from redness and acne? Use this mask a few times a month to support your skin.


I prepped my skin first with a soft sugar scrub. I made it with coconut oil, frankincense and lavender essential oils. Followed by the mask, then rose water to mist. (also cooling for pitta) Then I finished off with a blue tansy and rose hip oil.


Love how Mother Nature’s got the goods 🙌🏽💛


Learn more about ayurveda in my FREE webinar here.


PS you can buy essential oils here.


PPS want to work one to one with me? Learn more about that here


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