Ayurvedic Chia Pudding Recipe with Dates and Coconut Milk

ayurveda ayurveda & yoga essential oils healing foods in the kitchen vegetarian yoga Jan 27, 2023


I have been loving my chia pudding for breakfast this Summer. I've been working through a kapha imbalance in my digestive system, thanks to a bout of antibiotics, an indulgent festive season and the fact that I'm no spring chicken anymore (I'll be 47 this year!) My ayurvedic chia pudding recipe with dates and coconut milk is dead easy and so very nourishing and balancing for all three doshas. You're going to LOVE it!



But wait what's a dosha? It's our unique constitution, made up of the five elements, space, water, air, fire and earth. The doshas are known as vata, pitta & kaph and we are a combination of all, but will usually have one or two dominate and when they are in balance we feel happy, healthy and sexy. In short you're rocking at life. But we all feel 'out of whack' from time to time, like post babies, stressful seasons, poor habits, bad food choices, no routine etc...but the cool thing is we can come back to ayurveda to help bring ourselves back into alignment to feel vibrant and full of energy.


Ayurveda loves foods that are fresh, whole and seasonal! We call them 'sattvic' they will offer your body nourishment and your mind clarity.




This chia pudding recipe is an everyday option for breakfast, it can be tailored to suit your tastes, the seasons and of course your dosha type and any imbalances you may be experiencing. For example, as I write this it's Summer here and I'm enjoying mine with nectarines, mangoes and strawberries fresh form my garden with coconut milk and coconut yoghurt which is cooling. Great for the heat of Summer when pitta can be heightened and being a pitta dosha I don't need any more heat. Whereas in Winter you might like to choose stewed pears and rhurbrab with Almond milk.


I also love to add essential oils that are food grade to add a flavour punch without the nasty additives. Try Green Mandarin, Vanilla or Cardamom.


If you're taking ayuvedic medicinal herbs like tripahla, ashwaghanda or shatavari you can sprinkle these on top or mix through the yoghurt. According to ayurveda the herbs will work much better in the body when we taste them rather that drop them directly into our tummy.


I've adapted my recipe to Kate O'Donnell's The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook which I highly recommend if you're interested in diving deeper into this way of eating. Kate is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Book Author.


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Keen to hear if you give my Ayurvedic Chia Pudding with dates and coconut a go, tag me on instagram or comment below.


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