The One thing Successful Businesses on Instagram have in Common and it's not Viral Reels!

instagram shakti social social media tips soulful business Nov 25, 2022


One thing Successful Businesses on Instagram have in Common… and its absolutely not viral reels or millions of followers.


Ok so here’s a bit of hard truth, the number of views on your reel doesn’t usually correlate to sales, all it does is soothe the ego and give us a false sense of being a social media success! (I know I’ve been there)


Are you’re running a business and are showing up on instagram every day, creating amazing content yet still not getting the sales results you'd like? It might be time to reassess your goals for social media.


The most successful businesses I work with have one thing in common, they use social media to build genuine connection to their ideal client and build their mailing list. They then have a captive audience on a much more intimate platform PLUS they own that list and have a lot more control over it. 


Showing up on social media daily can be exhausting, especially if you don’t have a plan or boundaries… I love social media but I use it for good not evil. It’s so easy to get caught up on likes, follower count & checking what others in your realm are up to. This itself stifles your creativity and authenticity.


YEP it's called social media for a reason, we need to treat it like real life because we're dealing with real people, potential clients, customers and collaborators.


This is your permission slip to have a break, regroup and think about why you’re even on socials and how you can make it work for you, your energy and your business.




Here are some journaling prompts for you (so you can be Successful Businesses on Instagram)


  • What are my goals for using social media? 
  • Which platform do I have the most fun using?
  • Who is my ideal client/customer? 
  • Where do they hang out online?
  • How can I amplify my followers experience?
  • How can I build authentic relationships?
  • What content do I love to create?
  • How can that content add value and serve my community?
  • Is my content always on the hard sell? If yes what content can I add to build like/know/trust?



Social media has been a gift for many a small business owner, yet a hindrance for others. If social media drains your energy or you simply don't have time Shakti Social could be a helpful for you.


I hope you've found some value in this post, One thing Successful Businesses on Instagram have in Common. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask in the comments below.


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