Powerful Symbolism and Auspiciousness of Marigolds for Inner Strength, Renewal, Abundance and Happiness

ayurveda & yoga garden spiritual practice Nov 27, 2022


As I sprinkled marigold seeds around my garden this new moon, I anchored into the moment, sewing golden seeds of love and abundance. Giving thanks for all that we've received and looking forward to the future, to the abundance that's coming our way. There's so much power in symbolism and auspiciousness of marigolds.


Marigolds to me are a symbol of abundance, optimism and renewal. This is largely due to the fact they grow wildly in my garden through the Summer months. Interestingly in the hindu and christian faiths they're seen as symbol of the sun. I love their cheerfulness that brings so much joy to people all over the world. Not to mention their delicate fragrance...


I feel deeply connected to The Mother when I'm in my garden. The simple act of tending my garden shows deep reverence to our creator and I feel whole and complete.


Having travelled to India many times I've experienced them as a true sign of happiness, they are abundant there, used in ritual, for weddings and celebrations, as welcome garlands.


We can take the symbolism and auspiciousness of marigolds into our daily sadhana and ritual, plant some in your garden, they're edible so add them to your salads (each petal actually looks like a little heart), use them to make natural dye to colour your clothes or just add a vase to your altar and as you mediate call in their energy and power to manifest your hearts desire.


I love that by cultivating a sacred outlook and finding magic in the little things in life can have such an incredible effect on how well we live. Ayurveda and Yoga Philosophy have taught me this, helped me find ease, flow and abundance in life and it's beautiful. For that I'm truly grateful.


If you'd like to lean into Ayurveda with me I offer Feminine Ayurveda Wellness Coaching, learn more here.


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