Natural Remedies for Tummy Upsets with Digestzen

digestzen essential oil remedies essential oils kids top 10 oils travel May 30, 2019


My Personal testimony


Digestzen is one of the essential oils that I get the most testimonials from. For me personally it's been a Godsend! It's one of my go to natural remedies for tummy upsets. Ain't nobody got time for that s*@t...


Most recently, just this week in fact, we experienced gastro go through our family and instead of it being a full two weeks of hellish days and nights cleaning up after everyone, it only lasted about 4 days for our family of four.


This is how we roll when tummy bugs strike


For my boys, aged 3 and 5: I take 1 or two drops in the palm of my hands, dilute with a few more drops of fractionated coconut oil then rub in a circular motion on their tummies. Then cup my hands and get them to take in a good sniff. This relieves their nausea and can minimise the symptoms within minutes.


Digestzen is a sweet, spicy, minty, liquorice flavour and my husband doesn't like the taste so he pops a few drops into an empty veggie cap to help relive his symptoms. He also rubs topically onto his tummy.


I on the other hand love the taste and this week I took a drop under my tongue every few hours and sipped on it in my water.


We also have a 10ml roller bottle of digestzen pre-diluted and ready to go on hand for us and the kids. We keep it next to the bed and in the lounge room.


Every time we use this fab oil I'm always amazed at how it works so well for us. It's so damn good to be empowered with natural solutions in my home, without having to run to the pharmacy or health food shop to buy synthetic medications or expensive natural remedies that let's face it rarely work.


Note to always dilute with children and it's not recommended to allow children to ingest. Safe dilution for children is 2-3 drops in every 10ml, for Babies it's 1 drop in every 10ml. doTERRA Essential Oils are pure, potent plant extracts and respect and care needs to be taken when using them. You don't need a lot to reap the therapeutic benefits because of this.



how does this magic oil, digestzen work?


Essential Oils are pure plant extracts that work at a cellular level within our bodies, they have the intelligence to work with our bodies own ability to heal itself.


Digestzen is known as the 'tummy tamer' it contains Anise Seed, Peppermint Plant, Ginger Rhizome/Root, Caraway Seed, Coriander Seed,  Tarragon Plant, and Fennel Seed essential oils.


DigestZen is well known for its ability to aid in digestion, soothe occasional stomach upset, and maintain overall digestive health when taken internally.


Some other ways we use this amazing proprietary blend:


  • Car or Travel Sickness - a quick crack of the bottle and everyone in the car is feeling better
  • Travel buddy - when I travel to India I add a drop to at least of my litre waters. It helps keep my digestion well and guides off Delhi belly.
  • Women's Monthly Relief - I rub a few drops on my tummy when I'm experiencing that bloating around my cycle.
  • Over Indulged - if I've been having a good time with rich foods and wine I pop two drops into my water bottle and sip.
  • Too Much Dairy - pop a veggie cap to soothe the digestive system.
  • Anxious Butterflies - massage with fractionated coconut oil to calm the nervous tummy.


Diestzen is a must have and comes in our most popular kits. If you need oils I always recommend starting with one of our ready made kits, my favourites are The Nature's Solution Kit and The Home Essentials Kit. Which you can shop here.


One of my fave things to do is to support my customers in choosing the right oils for them and their immediate needs. You are more than welcome to get in touch with me via entering your details below, I will get back to you within 48 ours.



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