A story about Magnolia Essential oil

anxiety & stress essential oils magnolia essential oil natural perfume self care Jul 07, 2022

I want to share a little story about Magnolia essential oil and a depleted women….

Back in 2018 when Magnolia was first released I was in the depths mothering two little boys, born 18mths apart, I was still suffering postnatal depression and depletion. I was running two businesses and in serious survival mode


Sitting on the lounge with my babies clung to me, this morning, feeling extremely overwhelmed and anxious. Not sure what to do next, if there was another demand on me I may just breakdown. (not the first time I'd felt like this)


A knock at the door changed all that. I'd won a competition in our Business group, it included Magnolia, among many other new oils and products, but I was so drawn to Magnolia. I kept just intuitively rolling it on and with every roll and inhale I felt myself exhale and come back into my body. My mind calmed and the lens I was viewing my world through started to feel less foggy. I can honestly say that I started to feel a little joy and hope coming back in… 


My whole mindset shifted. Our external reality is a reflection of our internal state. 


Why did this shift occur? It isn't woo woo or magic, (although I do believe in both) no. It was due to Magnolia's high content of a chemical constituent called Linalool. The chemical constituent known for its calming effects on the mind and body. Linalool is found in other oils like lavender, ylang ylang and bergamot. However Magnolia holds the highest linalool content of any other essential oil. 


doTERRA's therapeutic grade essential oils have changed my life in so many ways and I want everyone to feel and experience that too.


As women living in the modern world, we are stressed, running in survival mode. We tend to carry the full load of our family. 


We're the CEO's of our homes, we work outside and in the home, we nurture our children, we cook the meals and manage the kitchen, we are the first responders when someone is sick, we hold space for our husbands or partners and children, we care for our pets, we are uber drivers and so much more! 


This load affects how we function and care for ourselves, how we parent, how we show up for ourselves and our families. 


It's time to start prioritising you and get these tools into your home.


Magnolia also makes a beautiful natural perfume, so you can ditch the synthetic fragrance for good which is playing havoc on your hormones - read more about that here.


Having a doTERRA wholesale account is life changing for my customers. Not only will you get access to the worlds best and most tested essential oils, incredible plant medicine, you'll also get access to a community of like minded women, hundreds of eBooks, free essential oil app, an exclusive online education platform, Oil Camp and so much more.



FREE Mini-Course where you will learn how to balance your hormones naturally through ancient Ayurvedic wisdom.

We align with nature and the seasons for optimal women's health in flow with our femininity. Reclaiming our joy in the season of peri/menopause. Come join us, it's FREE!

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