June Loves - a bittersweet personal share

ayurveda ayurveda & yoga beauty essential oils in the kitchen i’m loving self care Jun 12, 2024

Hi lovely,


The sun is beaming in through my office window, I'm reminded of the fact that in a few weeks I won't be sitting here I'll never sit here again. It's a bitter sweat feeling, to sell your family home, one that has seen so much of our first 11 years of marriage (and a lot longer for my husband who purchased this home at only 17, how grateful am I about that!)


👰🏼‍♀️🤵🏼‍♂️ We were married here on our back deck, it was Christmas Day and we surprised our family with a wedding! We had both our babies here, we welcomed two furbabies, we have so many wonderful memories with our nearest and dearest, 1st birthdays, 40th birthdays and everything in between. Let's not forget the that we've also had some blazing arguments and extremely stressful challenges to overcome here - it's honestly been one extreme to the other - the best of times and the worst of times.


This is what makes a house a home, the people, the humaness of householder life.


I'll admit it's been a longtime coming selling this lovely little beach cottage, but with our suburb quickly starting to resemble that of the built up Sydney suburbs I was glad to escape, country life is calling us. We're heading North and don't yet have a new place to call home, bit we're manifesting a couple hundred of acres near our dear friends, and a quick drive to some of the best surf beaches in Australia.


All this upheaval is very vata inducing, we're supporting ourselves and our kids through this transition with lots of grounding home-cooked meals, like sourdough and pumpkin soup, warming daal and rice plus some hot milos and hugs for the kids.


I'm leaning on my spiritual practice, listening to divine mantra music by my favourite new artist whilst I pack and diffusing frankincense and lavender. (oils are here)


I've been also been diving back into this book as I start to plan my new garden - it's safe to say that if you enjoyed the evolution of my current little homestead and you are in for a treat when we move! I cannot wait to get my teeth into planning my garden form scratch again, my pinterest board is literally bursting with fresh ides for my dream kitchen garden.


Well I'm off to stretch and fold my sourdough, ain't that a labour of love, until next time, I'll see you on the'gram.


Love Edwina x


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