Daily Self Care Rituals: Dry Body Brushing with Pink Pepper & Grapefruit

ayurveda ayurveda & yoga beauty daily self care rituals detox dinacharya essential oils self care yurveda & yoga Jun 09, 2019


ayurvedic Daily Self are Rituals


Dry Body Brushing is an Ayurvedic self care ritual, I love to practice most days to show my body love, activate lymphatic drainage in the body to remove toxins, slough away dead skin and generally uplift, activating the good hormones. I take it up a level by adding a few drops of essential oils. My lymphatic system & skin is loving it! I’m noticing less fluid retention, glowing skin & those little dry bits have gone.


i'm loving pink pepper and grapefruit



Pink Pepper is a brand new oil to the Australian and New Zealand Market. Sourced from the berries of the pink peppercorn, it may look similar to the black peppercorn in your pepper grinder, but Schinus molle is more closely related to cashews. Ancient Incans revered the tree and different indigenous peoples used every part of the tree for various health needs.


Pink Pepper is known as the oil of intrinsic equality, it can be of great support to us as women due to its ability to help us see that by comparing ourselves to others we only put harsh judgment on ourselves. This will never lead to true happiness. Pink Pepper energetically assists individuals with taking the middle path of equality found through own self acceptance.


Learn more about Pink Pepper here


Grapefruit is commonly known for its sour and tangy taste, grapefruit is the rotund, yellow-orange fruit of an evergreen citrus tree. Grapefruit essential oil is derived from the rind of this fruit and is cherished for its many uses and benefits. The aroma of Grapefruit essential oil matches the citrus and fruity flavours of its origin and provides an invigorating and energising aroma. Diffused Grapefruit oil invokes a sense of clarity, and due to its main chemical component, limonine, can help to uplift mood. With its powerful cleansing properties, Grapefruit oil is valued for its skin care benefits and ability to promote the appearance of clear, healthy-looking skin when applied topically. When used internally, Grapefruit oil can help support a healthy metabolism.


Grapefruit is known as the oil of honouring the body, what a perfect oil for body work. She will teach us how to truly respect and appreciation for ones physical realm. Supporting us to shed the weight of body shame, obsessions with how we look, and help us to move to a place of self acceptance, self love and to a mindset of nourishing our bodies and being grateful for all that they do for us.


Learn More about Grapefruit here


how to dry body brush


You will need a soft bristle brush, I got mine from my local health-food store. Your favourite doTERRA essential oils. Other oils that I like to use are Peppermint and Wild Orange, Aromatouch and Lavender or Tangerine and Spearmint.


Add your essential oils directly to your brush:


2 💧 of Grapefruit to boost circulation & support healthy lymphatics.
2 💧 pink pepper to support cellular protection & renewal.


Dry body brushing is best done before your shower, as you are removing excess dead skin cells to reveal smoother, brighter skin.


Note: When using citrus essential oils you need to me mindful as they are photosensitive. This means if you don't wash them off and then you go out into the sun they can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight.


Then you use upward motion brushing up towards your heart, starting at the feet, moving to your legs, torso and arms, then switch it to downward motion for areas above the heart.


Pay special attention to the areas you hold fluid and cellulite, mine are my tummy & arms.


After my shower I use Aromatouch & the doTERRA unscented moisturiser & massage ahhhh a Little day spa experience at home!




Don't have essential oils yet? Click Below to get started...


Or send me an email and we can chat about the best kit for you.

Love Edwina xx


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