Get your inner glow back!

An online membership for women who want to claim their rite of passage that is perimenopause and beyond.

Together we'll embrace this season of life to find ease and our feminine flow. Through the lens of ayurveda and yoga, we'll unlock the ancient wisdom for women's inner healing.

Ready to transform your experience of perimenopause?


Women have the power to heal within themselves

Our bodies don't need to be a mystery to us, for far too long we have felt a certain disempowerment from our first bleed, to having babies and now moving into the season of perimenopause and beyond. 

Have you felt like you've just muddled through? That your Mother didn't really know *how* to prepare you? Are you now feeling like a stranger in your body? Let's change that sister!

When we experience unusual symptoms in our bodies and mind it can be scary. Fear of the unknown can be crippling, I know I've been there. 

I'm here to reassure you that if you're a 40+ women living in our fast paced, modern world and experiencing any of this, you are not alone, we have a community of women ready to hold and guide you through. 

Join The Community

Inside the Marigold Membership we know that the path to thriving health runs deeper than popping a pill and getting on with it.  That you hold the key to feeling like your old self again!

You'll learn how to tune into and listen to the whispers of your body, and uncover what their message is for you. Those aches and pains could be held anger which could be released with  breath-work or those night sweats could be relieved with  or removing the root cause. 

You will be empowered with tools that are practical and aligned to your modern lifestyle. 

We harmonise with Mother Nature, connecting with shakti - divine feminine energy.  Allowing us to heal the physical, spiritual and energetic layers that make us human. 

This is the community of women you've been looking for, sitting around the kitchen table sipping tea, sharing, connecting and supporting each other through this wild life. 

I'm here for it!

Namaste Beauty, I'm Edwina..

48 year old lover of tea, yoga, gardening and essential oils, mama of two boys, living in our little urban homestead in Newcastle NSW, Australia.

I’ve found myself in my zero fucks era after spending my 20s & 30s worrying about being liked and making a fool of myself.

I’m here supporting women to joyfully embrace perimenopause & beyond! I love this thriving community who are obsessed with feeling good naturally.

You’ll find me ‘trying’ to surf with my two sons, in the garden or my nose in a period novel or ayurveda book in my free time.

I became a yoga teacher & ayurveda guide and nutritionist + built a thriving online business in my 40s - all things I’d always wanted to do, but refer point two.

If you stick around here you’ll probably learn how to glow through peri-menopause, fall in love with natural, inner healing and learn how a conscious spiritual practice will change your life.

I'm so glad you're here. 

The Membership Pillars


Conscious Spiritual Practice

Connect with the Divine and the wisdom of your inner knowing.  We take at the mundane and make it magic.  

Nutrition That Nurtures

Food, Herbs and Tonics

Ayurveda uses food as medicine and you will learn how to make better choices to ease symptoms and flourish.


Feminine Flow    

Experience yoga in the feminine form. Gentle Flow and Restorative styles to nurture and support the body, mind and spirit soul.

Women's Shakti

Reclaiming Joy

By Learning how to balance our hormones and increase ojas (radiance essence) we can start to see perimenopause as a transition to light not darkness. 

Sacred Practices

Tools To Revitalise

Ayurveda has many sacred tools to increase our bodies prana (energy) and rekindle our vitality to get the inner glow beaming.

Heart of the Home

Relationships and Homelife

Creating a beautiful and harmonious home to feel safe, nurtured and grounded. From relationships, to parenting and growing your own food. 

What's Included

We meet live multiple times a month, the sessions are delivered via Zoom, there is a portal that is home to all the recordings, additional support materials as well as a closed community of like-minded women.

When you enrol you get:

  • Instant access to a library of past recordings which include yoga classes, guided meditations, yoga nidra and ayurveda teachings
  • Beautiful support resources packed with juicy content, eBooks, journals and guides
  • Monthly calls with Edwina, sweet teachings to reclaim your spark and embrace this season with joy
  • Monthly Yoga and Movement classes, created for women's health
  • Regular guided meditations to connect with your inner wisdom and the divine
  • Regular guest teachers who Edwina has carefully curated to bring you nourishment, in areas such as mudra practice, ayurveda bodywork, energy healing, Reiki and more.
  • Seasonal ayurvedic cleanses, live twice a year at the seasonal transitions we sweep and clean our physical, energetic and emotional bodies for a reset
  • Real time community connection inside our exclusive space which can be conveniently accessed via an app, a bit like a Facebook group but without the noise and better


BONUSES for the first 5 members to join the Marigold Membership by 8pm Monday 12th August you will get:

BONUS 1:  60 min One One Ayurveda Wellness Coaching call with Edwina. (worth $175!) 

BONUS 2: A beautiful gift pack including my favorite incense, a mala strand and bag for your prayers, mantra or just because their energy is divine. I will personally cleanse each mala and infuse mantra and sweet intentions for each new member. (worth $45)

That's a total of $220 in bonuses for FREE! 

Doors close Monday the 12th at 8pm sharp.

Ready to transform how you experience perimenopause and beyond? 

I'm here for it!

My Sankalpa

a spiritual promise and intention

Marigold membership is a sacred container that is community and connection centric. We live by the commitment to teach and guide you on your path to inner healing, with heart, integrity and authenticity. Whilst staying true to the ancient wisdoms of yoga and ayurveda plus your own heritage and culture.

My intention is to offer a membership that is affordable and accessible for all and I am open to trades and energy exchanges to ensure that these teachings can reach those who need it. 

  Edwina x

Kind Words for Marigold...

If you’re on the fence about joining the Marigold Yoga and Ayurveda online membership that Edwina offers I couldn’t recommend it enough.

The membership offers so much More then just yoga classes. Edwina’s wealth of knowledge on yoga, Ayurveda lifestyle and spirituality mixes together in a way that encourages you to rediscover (or discover for the first time) your innate divine feminine self.

All this in a warm, nurturing container with like minded, supportive women that brightened my day each time we met on the mat. I also loved that we were encouraged to set up our own sacred spaces at home and had that ability as the classes are all virtual via zoom.

Can’t wait for the next 3 months!

 Rebecca, NSW

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda ‘wisdom of life’; it’s the traditional healing system of India that has been used for thousands of years to help people live balanced, healthy lives. The main focus is to promote health, prolong life and eliminate disease. 

Ayurveda asks us to use nature to help us understand ourselves. It encourages us to live in harmony with nature and eat with the seasons.

It's rich in sacredness and the way I teach is in the feminine form, sadhana (conscious spiritual practice), shakti (divine feminine), bhakti (loving devotion) and dharma (life's purpose).

According to Ayurveda, we are made up of a combination of five elements – water, fire, air and space. These elements combine in humans to form three ‘Doshas’ or what some people call constitutions – Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

  • Vata is a combination of air and space.
  • Pitta is a mixture of fire and water
  • Kapha is earth and water form a duo.

What people are saying...

This membership is for you if you:

  • Are a women who is looking for ways to feel better and thrive through perimenopause and beyond
  • Want to join a community of heart centred women who are ready to hold space for each other to heal 
  • Know there's a better way to ease your suffering in perimenopause and are committed to embracing these new habits and practices
  • A women who wants to reclaim her inner glow and get her life force back
  • Are ready to make a promise to your health and wellbeing and break the cycle
YES let's do it!

This membership isn't for you if:

  • You're looking for a get fit fast workout
  • Are looking for a quick fix
  • Just want the physical practice without the spirituality 
  • Not willing to find time for your health and wellness

Sarah Windle

I connected with Edwina earlier this year through a calling inside and interest in her as a woman, her offerings with Ayurveda & Yoga particularly calling me to continue learning and support my desire to create more ritual in my daily life and implement a yoga practice at home to support my growth and evolution in new ways.

Edwina is a rare gem. She is a genuine soul who brings the real everyday life into her offerings and keeps it real no matter where you are at on your journey.

I joined her signature program Ayurveda Flourish initially and this lead me to continue on with the Marigold membership as I love the regular connection, whether I can attend live or not, knowing the recordings are available for me at anytime provides a sense of being held and knowing there is community and likeminded souls as well as self care practices to connect into amidst my busy life as a mother and entrepreneur.

I feel held and love knowing this community of women, Edwina especially, is there for me to turn to. 💜💫🙏🏻

Trudy Jane Harvey

Edwina, I wish to thank you for creating this beautiful and magical community. I have found my SPACE, that space for me to go and connect in with myself through flow. 

Beautiful Ayurveda practices and workshops that you share. These continue to bring so much magic into myself and feeling more me than I have for quite some time.

Edwina your knowledge is endless of women wisdom and life hacks of self-care as a businesswomen, wife and mother and so much more, herself.

Edwina continues to share so much easy to access, simple to do practices and wellness for the whole of the self, the person that struggles to find that time for yourself in a busy/demanding space we call
With Gratitude
Trudy x

12 month Membership


per month

  • 12 months unlimited access
  • Instant access to a library of past recordings
  • Beautiful support resources
  • Monthly calls with Edwina
  • Monthly Yoga and Movement classes
  • Regular guest teachers
  • Seasonal ayurvedic cleanses
  • Real time community connection


I'm In!

You might be wondering why this membership is a 12 month commitment, let me share my intention behind it...

The reason Marigold membership is a year long minimum commitment is so that we can get to know each other and you can settle into the safe space that we have intentionally created. We find the deeply personal nature of our time together is rooted in trust and commitment to self and others.

We keep the doors closed, only opening a few times a year, to maintain this safe space where we can all flourish and grow together without the comings and goings of lots of new members.

I hope this helps in understanding why it's a 12 month minimum. I do hope that you will join us.

  Edwina x